Saturday, January 17, 2015

Breaking Nwews National FamilyStorytelling Week Endorsed

Lexington Kentucky Spellbinders group becomes first group to endorse call to our President
to establish a National Family History and Storytelling Week for our country.

Spellbinder members met at Beaumont Public Library, Beaumont Center, Lexington voted, after discussion, to forward this motion to both our state storytelling group  national Spellbinder group and the National Storytelling Network for their consideration and mutual endorsement and for forwarding to other organizations and networks.

Please acknowledge receipt of this motion. Pleas also keep Dr. Baute informed of its progress in your
consideration. He will be coordination support and promoting.

Jerry Young, blind Veteran Storyteller, has also endorsed this motion and is enlisting the local Lexington chapter of Blind Veterans of America where Dr. Baute also serves as Chaplain.

Dr. Paschal Baute, Coordinator
Lexington Spellbinder
cell (859) 293-5302
See blog for further information
You may leave comment here

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Announcing a National Initiateve in Family storytelling

In view of your own recognition of the importance of family history in your memoir, Dreams From My Father, and your concern for the health and wellbeing of the American family:
please consider this request.

In order to:
Increase intergenerational conversation,
Spur the development of emotional engagement,
Appreciate unique family values through narrative sharing,
Accept the natural diversities among us,
Encourage growth in family cohesion and wellness
while promoting fun and laughter through mutual family storytelling
We, the undersigned, do hereby urge the adoption of
A national family history and storytelling week
to be announced and promoted yearly,
for valuing and strengthening our country and its families.

Who will be the first national group to adopt this initiative as a goal conducive to their mission?
Who will be the first state group, the first local group to do so?
Which national group will undertake to coordinate and promote this project nationally?

Paschal Baute, Ed.D., Coordinator
Lexington Kentucky Spellbinders. January 14, 2015
Who will be the first national group to adopt this initiative as a  goal conducive to their mission?
Who will be the first state group, the first local group to do so?
Which national group will undertake to coordinate and promote this project nationally?

Paschal Baute, Ed.D.
Lexington Kentucky Spellbinders.
Member, Kentucky Storytelling Association.
Member, National Storytelling Network.

Chaplain, Lexington Chapter of Blind Veterans.
Member, Division 32, Humanistic Psychology of American Psychology Association
Retired Psychologist and family therapist
Priest, Celtic Christian Church
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